Irmgard & Karl Wiener – Management, Hosts
Our main role in winter is, of course, that of hosts, and together with Ingo, the Flamingo, we take care of our employees' concerns.
Karl is the primary contact person for the entire F&B sector, which grows larger at Edelweiss each year. With his proven hands-on mentality, he appears wherever guests and staff appreciate an extra hand. He also coordinates all technical and structural matters, and when he needs a change, you can find him as the DJ (P)resident at Zürserl.
Irmgard takes care of the Rooms Division and paperwork - accounting, payroll, invoicing, contracts, agreements, purchasing & selling. And to ensure that creativity doesn't fall short, she also handles marketing.
We have been working together for 28 years now, more than 20 of which have been at Arlberg. Our paths crossed in Kühtai. Together, we have successfully filled many hotels, introduced unconventional ideas, and transformed them.
Back then, at Tannbergerhof, you had to queue to get into the disco, Warth and Steffisalp were still quite distant without ski connections, and the legendary Hotel Flexen in Zürs was even demolished after us 😉 So, we can claim that our experiences range from pre-opening to demolition.
Irmgard brings many years of experience as a consultant and trainer at the renowned tourism consultancy Kohl & Partner, and 6 years of self-employment in the gastronomy sector. Karl learned the hotel trade from scratch and gained international experience after successfully completing hotel management school, later experiencing corporate life as Head of Operations at Swarovski in Innsbruck.
Matias Paoli – Head Chef
Who supposedly grills the best big cuts? The Argentinians. Therefore, our new EdelSPEIS is led by an absolute professional—Tano. After three seasons as Sous Chef, he has now reached the top of the career ladder and will take over the leadership of the Edelweiss kitchen from now on. Thanks to his professionalism, international experience, and strong leadership skills, he is the perfect fit for the role. And if you hear music coming from the kitchen window: he’s also a talented singer and guitar player who turns many staff birthdays into parties.
Team: 17 employees (including Stewarding)
Tom Lagger - Restaurant Manager
Responsible for:
Patrick Fender – Bar Manager
Our Tyrolean with comprehensive knowledge of spirits and cocktails and endless patience for his bar guests spends part of the summer in Mallorca at the Opera Maritim restaurant/bar, supports Stefan Reichel's Gackern team in August, and can be found at the Champagne bar in the Schwabenwelt tent at Cannstatter Wasen in autumn. In winter, he is back at Edelweiss.
Team: 6 employees
Responsible for:
Sabine Stangl – Head Housekeeper/Governess
Sabine is Edelweiss, having been in the house for over 20 years, she knows every nook, every guest, and all the quirks of the house. The native Styrian almost permanently resides in Zürs with her family.
Team: 14 employees
Responsible for:
Peter Dobner – Flexenhäusl
About 2 km from the hotel, at the highest point of the Flexenpass, is our leased property, the Flexenhäusl. Our Carinthian hut host, Peter, operates it during the day as a classic ski stop and in the evenings, the hut turns into a party location.
Team: 5 employees
Closed on Mondays
Responsible for the smooth operation of Flexenhäusl. Purchasing is done through the hotel, and meals are pre-produced in the hotel kitchen.
Simon Pöllitzer, MA – Front Office & Reservation Manager
Our new reception manager has been getting to know Zürs and the hotel since July and will use all his knowledge to fill beds and boost sales. The Innviertel native is looking forward to exploring the ski area with a snowboard, and we look forward to having him on the team for many years to come.
Team: 5 employees
Responsible for:
Vorarlberg has the highest collective agreement in Austria, and we sweeten the deal.
5 or 6 days? 30 – 48 hours? Let's discuss your working hours model.
Free accommodation during employment at Villa Edelweiss or Hotel Edelweiss
Friendship bonus for sharing a double room
Employee meals with a focus on variety, freshness, and health. Available even on days off, and accommodating dietary preferences or restrictions.
24/7 fridge stocked with fruit, yogurt, snacks
24/7 coffee, tea, syrup, water
And much more...
Working in tourism can be soooo sexy.
#staysexy and join our team!